Mike asks: Will Transformers the movie be as good as transformers the cartoon ??
This is a question that I am being asked a lot more often since Hollywood is bringing more and more movies to the theaters that are based on comic books or cartoons. It seems as if Hollywood has figured out what the rest of us knew already, namely that cartoons and comic books are guaranteed when put to the big screen.
That being said, my answer to will Transformers the movie be as good as transformers the cartoon, is a resounding No!
There are a couple of reasons for my lack of optimism on this front. First off most movies that are based on comic books or cartoons just don't live up to the original. The odds are simply against Transformers the movie that it will not be as good as the cartoon.
Secondly,and most importantly is the fact that Hollywood always tampers with the original storyline in a way that really hurts the movie's chances of doing the original cartoon any justice. The guys in movie land can never leave good enough alone, if it ain't broke don't fix it, its that simple. Just do a movie EXACTLY as the cartoon or comic and rake in the Benjamins. How hard is that ?!
Thirdly, I have seen the previews and it seems as if the movie is pitching the notion that the transformers have come to earth to take over the world and this is already a big departure from the storyline of the cartoon. The cartoon really focussed on the struggle between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Earth just happened to be where they met and did battle, neither side was really trying to take over the Earth.
What they both really wanted was to secure enough Energon to be able to return back to Cybertron and take over their home planet. So already we see that the storyline of the movie is moving away from the storyline of the cartoon, and this is never a good thing.
Hopefully I am wrong and maybe Transformers the movie will give us a classic big screen adaption like the first two Superman movies did. But knowing Hollywood, I would'nt count on it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Will Transformers the movie be as good as transformers the cartoon ??